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Cafe Szerena

Perceived Need: To create fellowship at church services and bring people from periphery into family

fold, increase sociable atmosphere, raise money for church.

Action taken: Organized coffeehouse, handled staffing, scheduling, inventory, menu, funds.

Results: Broke even in five weeks with constantly increasing patronage.


Send Our Support Day

Perceived Need: Feeling of close connection between area residents and loved ones in Persian Gulf

(during Desert Shield) as holidays approached.

Action Taken: Organized multilevel contact plan with parents of servicepeople and local merchants to

provide central location and day for community to gather and contact loved ones.

Arranged double storefront location for day long remote broadcast from WKXL-AM and FM.

Provided DesertFax from AT&T, engineer with production equipment to record for Armed Forces Radio

and TV Services.Had city display holiday flags on Main Street. Mayor cut the ribbon. Governor proclaimed day a state holiday, picked up by Associated Press wire. Designed SOS (Send Our Support) Kit to give away. Worked with area businesses to obtain donation of cardboard boxes. Designed artwork for labels, arranged for printing of labels and display of kits in local business store windows and display areas. Convinced local merchants to offer discounts to any customers with SOS labels, researched and typed list of goods permitted into Middle Eastern countries; worked with area parents and armed forces recruits to have kits assembled. Local area musicians and school choirs were invited to record greetings. Parents were invited to meet and talk about loved ones, exchange recipes, encourage visitors, build morale. Event was staged in October to allow SOS Kits to arrive by holiday season at year’s end.

Results: 200 visitors for first event. Due to popular response, event was held two additional times,

carried on CNN. The new Steeplegate Mall competed for it to be at their location. Received letters of

thanks from servicepeople in Persian Gulf. Read them over the air.


New Hampshire Veterans’ Memorial Wall and Scholarship Committee


Perceived Need: Healing and recognition of New Hampshire veterans who served In Viet Nam.

Action Taken: Initiated state’s first visit of Viet Nam Veterans’ Moving Wall. Raised funds for event

and for veterans’ scholarship fund. Registered for non-profit corporation status. Designed, laid out,

proofed, ordered official program for event. Broadcast opening live. Publicized, produced remote

reports, two week-long veterans’ interview features. Coordinated/emceed benefit concert with local

bands at New England College to raise money to kick off campaign. Designed sales/promotion handout.

Results: 60,000 visitors in a week. First Place Golden Mike Award for Public Service Campaign and

First Place Golden Mike for Feature from New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters.


This Island Earth


Perceived Need: Awareness and education; establishment of new behaviors, acknowledgment of Earth

Day’s 20th Anniversary.

Action Taken: Created environmental game for radio designed to engage passive, interactive and active

listeners. Procured major and medium sized prizes from national and local companies/organizations.

Arranged graphics, printing. Assembled group of local environmental organizations’ representatives to

set parameters of game. Conducted research, gathered data for game accuracy. Coordinated campaign

to coincide with opening of city recycling center and designed receipts for center to promote awareness

and use. Encouraged student and youth as well as office and individual household participation with

separate grand prizes specially designed for each group. Designed/placed print advertising. Scripted/


This Island Earth (continued)

produced ongoing promotional announcements to explain game rules. Arranged for wide distribution

(all classrooms) of posters; scored entries, voiced follow-up announcements of winners; scheduled 21

on-air interviews throughout Earth Day Weekend throughout the state; arranged environmental tips

programs to keep spirit of promotion alive throughout the year.

Results: Game winners - opened neighborhood food cooperative, wrote 35 letters to state and federal

government officials; converted eight businesses and churches to recycling programs; planted over 30

trees, wrote and presented over 35 songs and speeches on the environment from student-to-student;

registered eight new member sin environmental organizations - responsible for purchase of cloth diapers,

recycled paper, faucet aerators, compact fluorescent light bulbs, triple-paned windows, weatherstripping.

Station built relationship for potential sales with newly-opened environmental store. First Place Golden

Mike for Promotion from New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters; “Best of the Best” Community

Service for 1991 from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). Presented game (by NAB

invitation) at NAB Annual Convention (Las Vegas 1992) followed by presentation about putting fun into

radio for NAB (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and German broadcasters) by invitation in Las

Vegas, 1992.


Housing Now

Perceived Need: To raise awareness and funds to charger bus to take homeless people to march in

Washington, D. C.

Action Taken: Co-planned, participated in, reported from community “sleepout.” Rally included

State Senator, musicians, 41 people registered to sleep out (47 degrees).

Results: Raised $1820. Underwrote charter of bus, donated 50% to local service agencies.


Human Rights Now Perceived Need: Awareness of and participation in assisting political prisoners with Amnesty


Action Taken: During World Tour sent live reporter to opening ceremonies at Wembley Stadium

(Britain) to call in live reports; ran contest for listeners to write about significance of tour - to win

tickets, transportation and accommodations at the Montreal concert. In-studio guest returning from

concert recorded promotional announcement and recreation of experience. Station covered final

concert of tour from Buenos Aires via satellite.

Results: Entries received from two states. Local Amnesty International chapter revived - WKXL-FM

staff invited as special guests and for direction. First Place Golden Mike for Public Affairs from the

New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters.


Hike Bike and Run for the Homeless

Perceived Need: Funds for services for area homeless.

Action Taken: Committed WKXL-FM to participate and sponsor company participants. Scheduled

daily on-air interviews of event fund recipients; created radio characters to dramatize events; wrote,

produced public service announcements - live and taped; created interest to draw participants during

two -week promotion blitz. Donated prizes for event finishers.

Results: Doubled previous year’s attendance record.


Music Zone Snow Bank

Perceived Need: Provide financially-troubled families with warm clothing during hard winter.

Action taken: Consulted with Salvation Army about needs. To inspire radio listeners and build in fun

and excitement, convinced record companies to donate 1000 latest CD’s for giveaways: created a

“Snow Bank” with deposit slips for warm clothing donors (for our data bank), withdrawal slips for

recipients (to identify that these donations were theirs at no charge.) Designed, printed “bank” slips;


Music Zone Snow Bank (continued)

wrote, produced, scheduled promotional announcements explaining listener participation.

Results: Clothed 100 families; Citation from the Salvation Army; letter from the Mayor.

Merit Award from the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters.


Pizza For Lunch

Perceived Need: WKXL-FM needed closer association with local businesses to encourage


Action Taken: Established weekly pizza party delivered by on-air DJ to business that registered with

company letterhead; produced promotional announcements; organized trade for pizza with area

restaurant; recorded winners at weekly party for future promotions.

Results: 84 businesses (and potential sales clients) responded that they were listening by registering.


Music Zone Music Survey Perceived Need: To raise awareness of radio station’s new format.

Action Taken: Researched numbers, formatted, copied, distributed music sheets. Created contest

with music sheets by stamping backs of a selected number with station logo to be returned for free

CD’s. Produced promotional announcements to inform listeners.

Results: Survey sheets became popular at local sponsors’ music and convenience stores and spread

to out of town locations


Boss’s Day Perceived Need: Acknowledgment of special occasion.

Action Need: Arranged prize, promoted contest based on votes taken by radio announcers,.

Results: Telephone lines jammed. Took over 200 calls in one hour.


Kiwanis Trade Fair Perceived Need: Activity/exhibit to attract listeners and create awareness about WKXL-FM’s new


Action Taken: United perceived need with need for bumper sticker design. Procured smocks,

easels, paints from local merchants. Decorated booth, displaying grand prize for best bumper

sticker design.

Results: Waiting lines at booth for duration of fair. Participants of all ages, goodwill generated,

filled a dozen full size canvases, excellent entries.


“The Media: Making An Impact”

Perceived Need: Media access and savva for humanitarian organizations.

Action Taken: Scripted and voiced “how to” cassette; wrote on subject for national journals; ran

media workshops at national conventions; set up public service campaign mailout to teach skills to

grassroots organizations.

Results: Sold cassettes to animal welfare groups and used content for two articles in “Shelter Sense” Magazine.


First Florida Run For The Panther Perceived Need: To create awareness statewide and procure giveaways.

Action Taken: Contacted agents of Florida performers; wrote, produced, distributed statewide -

public service announcements voiced by Jimmy Buffett; procured specially autographed pictures “For

the Panther” from Burt Reynolds for prizes.

Results: Strong participation in the run.


Felicia Holland Benefit

Perceived Need: Funds to pay the electric bill of family of 12-year-old heart transplant recipient.

Action Taken: Broadcast information and request on radio for one day.

Results: Raised $1000 in eight hours. Paid bill and used excess to pay family’s future utility bills

through same account. Covered by ABC-TV, NBC-TV, and Associated Press

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